Sunday, 3 April 2011

Brand Identity

A brand is the identity of a specific product, that can have many different forms such as name, symbol, sign or slogan.

All company's have a brand, it's something for the public to relate them with. Such as Nike which is one of the most common brands.


To me has a very simplistic but effective brand, it also has a few hidden connotations, such as speed and something good (tick). the logo is manly white or black unless its on an item of clothing that is a different color. Nike is not only known for its clothing but also footwear, sports equipment and also they are sponsors.

I fell their use of graphic design is effective and certainly works for their target audience ( young sporty or fashionable people) another thing that makes Nike as effective as it is, is the people that represent Nike, famous athletes and many peoples icons such as David Beckham ect.

Apple Mac:

Apple Mac are also a well known brand, all over the world. Their man make are computers ad ipods, there brand logo is an apple with a bite out of it.

Mac's products are mostly used by people that have a more creative job, i.e designers, because they are well known for there software.

The Apple sign is always white or silver, and on the back of every product, they also are sponsors.

I do think the logo is effective and is extremely well known making it even more effective.


Google is possibly the most well know name/search engine, its brand is not only the word "Google" but the "G" and now the Google chrome logo.

Google's use of colors ( yellow, blue, red and green) are primary and secondary colors, that stand out. Google's graphic design works because it stands out but is simplistic. But in my eyes another reason why Google has done so well is because its target audience in the world wide internet, making it harder to please everyone.

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